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Quote from Cliff in Love Is a Really, Really, Perfectly Okay Thing

Cliff: Well, fellows, that's the bell announcing Clavin's midmorning brain twister.
Carla: Oh, you going to get up and try to walk again?
Frasier: Is this going to be along the same lines as yesterday's little pearl? If the Lennon Sisters, the Maguire Sisters and the Andrew Sisters all came to a four-way stop, which would have the right-of-way?
Cliff: No, no, no, no. This one is, uh, based on historical fact. Now listen up. How would the Civil War have changed if Lincoln had had octopus tentacles instead of a beard?
Frasier: For God's sake, Cliff. There is no practical answer to that question.
Norm: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Now we can assume that the Gettysburg Address would have been written on the back of eight envelopes.
Cliff: Very good. Very good answer, Normie.
Woody: Also, he could have disarmed John Wilkes Booth and still applauded the play.
Cliff: Now, in a related query, what if Herbert Hoover was able to expand his face like a blowfish?

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