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Quote from Robin Colcord in Cry Hard

Robin: Rebecca. My darling. What are you doing?
Rebecca: I'm turning you in. You used me. And don't try to deny it, because I've got proof. Robin, I am a human being, and I deserve to be treated like one. It's about time I stood up and did what was right. Good-bye, Robin.
Robin: Rebecca. Will you marry me?
Rebecca: OK.
Sam: Whoa, whoa, wait a second! Wait! Come on! Open your eyes here! He doesn't want to marry you. He's just using you.
Robin: Actually, yes, I am.
Sam: See?
Robin: I'm using Rebecca to make me the happiest man on earth.
Sam: Oh, man.
Rebecca: Isn't he the sweetest baby?
Sam: Get out here. Listen. He's just marrying you to shut you up so he can take over the corporation.
Robin: Yes, to give to her as a wedding present, and now you've spoiled the surprise.

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