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The Quote

Quote from Norm in The Peterson Principle

Norm: Sir. There's something you're not telling me here. I mean, why didn't I get this job?
Mr. Reinhardt: Oh, I suppose I owe you the truth, Peterson.
Norm: Well, yeah, you do.
Mr. Reinhardt: It's your wife.
Norm: Well, what does my wife have to do with this?
Mr. Reinhardt: Well, she didn't fit in with the other company wives.
Norm: That's-- Vera's a wonderful woman. What are you talking--?
Mr. Reinhardt: Well, yes, I'm sure in her own circle she is, but that lunch the other wives took her to yesterday was sort of a test. A spouse has to be able to mix easily with other people in the company.
Norm: That's just great. Well, that's great. Sir, tell you what. If my wife isn't good enough for this company, neither am l, all right?
Mr. Reinhardt: Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way, Peterson. But I understand. And I admire you for your loyalty to her.
Norm: Now, wait a minute. Morrison's wife is somehow more acceptable than mine?
Mr. Reinhardt: No, no. As a matter of fact, Morrison's never had a wife.
Norm: Oh, yeah, well, I wouldn't be too sure about that one, sir.

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