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Quote from Woody in From Beer to Eternity

Sam: Say, Woody, it's still not too late to change your mind.
Woody: Don't you understand? I maimed a man.
Sam: Bowling accidents happen. You read about them in the paper all the time.
Woody: He was only an innocent maintenance man.
Sam: Come on, man. He knew the risks.
Woody: I still don't know what happened. You know, one minute, I was picking up the eight-ten split, and the next thing I know, the ten pin flies and hits old Sully right between the eyes and he goes down like a sack of wheat. Sam, I ruined the man's life.
Sam: Oh, come on. I'm sure you're exaggerating.
Woody: Oh, no. No, I'm not. Old Sully got too dim-witted to stay in bowling maintenance. Last I heard, he was a clown at children's birthday parties.
Sam: Well, what's wrong with that?
Woody: He wasn't invited to them.

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