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Quote from Norm in The Boys in the Bar

Sam: What was that you said yesterday, when they were taking pictures, about Vito's Pub?
Norm: It's nothing. Don't worry about it.
Sam: Talk to me, Norm.
Cliff: Norm, I think it's best he hears it from us. Well, go ahead, tell him the story.
Norm: All right, you heard of Vito's Pub?
Sam: It's a gay bar, right?
Norm: Didn't used to be. It used to be a great bar. I hung out there myself.
Coach: Wow. What a story, Norm.
Norm: I'm not finished.
Coach: There's more?
Norm: One night, Vito lets a gay group hold a meeting in the back room, right? Gays For The Metric System, or something. Story got in the newspaper. Gets a lot of attention. Next thing you know, Vito's Pub turns into... Vito's Pub. All the regulars left, Sammy. Out went the oars and the moose heads, in came plants and ferns. Ferns. Ooh. I just don't want that to happen at Cheers.

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