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Quote from Cliff in The Girl in the Plastic Bubble

Sam: Frasier?
Cliff: Hey, uh, I'll take it. I'm a friend of his. I think I can help. I've operated these before, sir. It's all right. [over bullhorn] Frasier, it's me. Your friend, Cliff Clavin. Now pitching for Boston...
Sam: Hey, come on, would ya?
Cliff: All right. Just kidding, just kidding. [over bullhorn] Uh, Fras look, buddy, uh, don't think I don't know how you feel. Uh, it's not like I haven't been there myself, you know, standing high above the city with the wind blowing through your hair, praying this time you'll have the guts to do it.
Sam: Give me that!

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