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The Quote

Quote from Cliff in The Little Match Girl

Cliff: Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
Norm: Yep.
Cliff: Woody's wedding was quite an event, wasn't it, Norm?
Norm: Oh, man.
Cliff: Huh, huh? Boy, what a night that was.
Norm: Yeah.
Cliff: Yeah, the priest dying.
Norm: Yeah.
Cliff: Carla being caught in a dumb-waiter.
Norm: Ha!
Cliff: How about that German guy trying to kill Sam? [chuckling] "Du, dort!" Remember that?
Norm: Yeah, oh, golly.
Cliff: Oh, yeah, but all that was nothing compared to the wedding itself.
Norm: Yeah.
Cliff: Oh, now, there was a comedy of errors.

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