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Quote from Norm in Heeeeere's... Cliffy!

Norm: Mrs. Clavin, I have a confession to make.
Esther Clavin: What do you mean?
Norm: The Tonight Show didn't really accept Cliff's joke. I got ahold of the rejection letter and I sort of changed it around to make it look as if they accepted it.
Esther Clavin: Oh, my Lord.
Norm: I wanted to tell him earlier, but it's been so long since I've had a vacation and Lord knows I've needed one.
Esther Clavin: Norman, you are a naughty, naughty boy.
Norm: I'm sorry.
Esther Clavin: You're his best friend. You've got to do something or suffer the consequences.
Norm: Okay. All right, uh, let me see what I can do.

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