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Quote from Frasier in Madame LaCarla

Carla: I mean, if she's a fake, then everything's a fake and everything I ever believed in is wrong. I guess that's it. I've got nothing left. Game over.
Frasier: Carla, Madame Lazora is just one individual. Don't give her the power to destroy your entire belief system. You know, the mystic world that's given you so much comfort may very well exist.
Carla: You don't really believe that.
Frasier: Of course I do. Although if, if it doesn't I- l'm logging in right now to say "I told you so." The truth is, no one knows.
Carla: What's your point?
Frasier: That you should profit from this experience. You've graduated from Madame Lazora. You've become a stronger Carla, a smarter Carla, one who's learned.

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