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Quote from Woody in Madame LaCarla

Sam: Hey, Woody, how'd it go?
Woody: Oh, it was a great performance, Sam, and I actually got a chance to talk to that critic afterward, and he said that I was much improved.
Frasier: Well, there you go.
Sam: Well, I can't wait to go see you next week.
Woody: Oh, well, no, actually I'm not in it anymore, Sam.
Sam: What happened?
Woody: Well, the other actors read my notebook and got upset.
Frasier: Well, Woody, people can be very sensitive.
Woody: Well, I think they're being a little oversensitive. I mean, come on, Dr. Crane, I mean, if you read in my notebook that you were a snobby, know-it-all windbag, would you be upset?
Frasier: Yes, I probably would.
Woody: Oh. [page tears]

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