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Quote from Rebecca in Cheers Has Chilli

Fire Marshal Dobbins: I'm afraid that's some list, Miss Howe.
Norm: Great, now he's writin' her up a citation.
Fire Marshal Dobbins: So it's beans, tomato paste, onions, peppers and ground beef.
Rebecca: No, that's ground chuck.
Fire Marshal Dobbins: Oh, ground chuck. Serves eight?
Rebecca: Uh-huh. What're you gonna do, share with the other guys at the firehouse?
Fire Marshal Dobbins: Why should l? What have they ever done for me? [exits]
Rebecca: Sam, why do you suppose the fire marshal would come by my chili room tonight, of all nights?
Sam: Kismet?
Rebecca: No, because you tipped him off. Sam, you could've gotten me shut down. Thank God that dear man loves his chili.

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