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Quote from Sam in Indoor Fun with Sammy and Robby

Frasier: So, uh, what is all this anyway?
Carla: Oh, you're going to love this. See, Sammy and Robin are playing chess for one week's wages, right? We got this computer chess game so that Sammy can beat Robin, and Norm is going to feed him all the right moves over this headset.
Frasier: Well, I hate to spoil your fun with a moral voice, but, uh, isn't that what we used to call cheating? I mean, isn't that just like stealing Robin's money?
Sam: No, Frasier, I'm not doing this for the money. I just want to get the satisfaction of seeing his expression when he gives me the check. And once it's in my hand, I'll rip it up and throw it in his face... Maybe.

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