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Quote from Cliff in Hot Rocks

Sam: All right, all right. Now, there's got to be... See, I figure that she probably just put them down someplace for safekeeping, and then forgot where she put them. I got to just find a way to, you know, jog her memory.
Carla: I I know what we should do.
Sam: What?
Carla: I saw this in a movie once. We gather the suspects all together in one room.
Sam: Right. And then you recreate the crime so that you can work backwards and find out what happened.
Carla: Yeah.
Sam: Let's go.
Cliff: Hey, Sammy, uh since I'm the only one here in uniform, I suggest I play Admiral Crowe.
Woody: Well, if you're Admiral Crowe, who's going to be Mr. Clavin?
Cliff: Aw, any of you yutzes can handle that.

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