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Quote from Rebecca in Bidding on the Boys

Rebecca: It's a benefit for Children's Hospital. All these women get together and they bid for an evening on the town with eligible bachelors. Local celebrities, athletes. They raise a lot of money, they do it every year, and it's a great deal of fun.
Norm: Where'd you hear about it?
Rebecca: Uh, I must have been to one once. Anyway, I told Mr. Drake-
Carla: Who'd you bid on?
Rebecca: I told Mr. Drake I thought it would be great publicity for Cheers.
Carla: Who'd you bid on?
Rebecca: And since it's for a good cause, he agreed-
Carla: Who'd you bid on?
Rebecca: A hairy linebacker. Are you satisfied?
Norm: Ooh.
Cliff: Oh!
Carla: Were you?

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