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Quote from Sam in Simon Says

Dr. Finch-Royce: Well, let me answer you this way: Sam, do you really want to be here?
Sam: No.
Diane: Oh, what do you mean "no"?
Sam: I mean no. I don't want to be here. I mean, this whole thing was your stupid idea. What do we care if this guy doesn't think we should get married? Nobody we know thinks we should get married. We don't go bugging them in the middle of the night, do we?
Diane: All right, what do you suggest we do?
Sam: Nothing.
Diane: Oh! That's your solution to everything: nothing! Is that what you're going to do for the rest of your life: nothing?
Sam: I haven't decided yet.
Dr. Finch-Royce: [closes the door] I've grown to hate them.

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