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Quote from Norm in Never Love a Goalie, Part 1

Sam: Okay, guys, that's it. Closing time.
Norm: Already? It's hard to believe 17 hours can slip by that quickly.
Cliff: Well, good night, Sammy.
Sam: Good night.
Woody: Guys, don't forget, tonight's the night we go off daylight savings time. Be sure to change your clocks.
Norm: Let's see now, it's 2:00 now, so which way does it go?
Woody: That's "spring forward, fall back," Mr. Peterson.
Cliff: All right, so it's, uh, 1:00.
Norm: 1:00?
Cliff: Set 'em up, Sammy.
Norm: I was this close to going home. I love this universe.

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