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Quote from Nick Tortelli in Battle of the Exes

Loretta: Nick, we're gonna miss the bus.
Nick Tortelli: Keep your pants on. This will only take five minutes. We've got forever together. You know, the way yous twos were carrying on at my wedding, all lovey-dovey and all that... I want to know, how long has this been going on between you two?
Carla: What's it to you?
Nick Tortelli: Answer the question. You been seeing him while we were married?
Carla: No. I was always faithful to you. Were you seeing Loretta when we were married?
Nick Tortelli: What am l, on trial here? The important thing is, if you were seeing him when we were married, our marriage was a lie.
Sam: You know, Nick, she's taken enough abuse from you. If you don't knock it off, I'm gonna take you outside and teach you some manners.
Carla: [gasps] This'll be great. Nick's a bleeder.

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