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Quote from Diane in Give Me a Ring Sometime

Diane: What happened to you? You said ten minutes, it's been over an hour.
Sumner: Diane, that woman is extraordinary.
Diane: Did she give you the ring?
Sumner: I couldn't take it.
Diane: We've got a plane to catch, right?
Sumner: Diane, I love you. But when I was with Barbara just now, something stirred inside me.
Diane: Well, we can talk about it on the flight to Barbados.
Sumner: I can't fly to Barbados this confused.
Diane: Sumner, it's OK, the pilot knows the way.
Sumner: [laughs] Oh, I love your wit. Oh, you're a beautiful child.
Diane: Let's go to Barbados.
Sumner: Let's go to Barbados.

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