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Quote from Sam in The Little Match Girl

Carla: This is a day I never thought I'd see.
Sam: Yeah, me, too. You know what makes it worse? This is all my fault. You know, I'm the one who did this to myself. If I'd checked the wiring, you know? That's a stupid mistake I'm gonna live with the rest of my life.
[After Frasier looks at Rebecca, she starts to cry]
Sam: Oh, come on, what is it now, Rebecca?
Rebecca: [crying] I have something I have to tell you.
[Frasier herds the rest of the gang to the other side of the bar, away from Sam and Rebecca]
Rebecca: Sam, the fire wasn't your fault. I was smoking a cigarette, and I burned down your bar.
Sam: You did this? [Rebecca nods] You did this to me? Yes, yes, of course. Why didn't I figure this out earlier? My bar burns down, you're within 50 miles it all fits.
Rebecca: Sam, I'm so sorry.
Sam: Yeah, what-what- What were you thinking? Huh? You tired of screwing up your own life? You start to pick on mine? You know, of all the stupid, stupid things you've done in your useless life, this is your masterpiece! I'll tell you what. Why...? Get out. Get out of my bar.

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