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Quote from Sam in Bar Wars V: The Final Judgment

Matt: Good morning. I'm Matt, the bartender from over at Gary's.
Sam: Yeah?
Matt: We're all kind of in shock, but I thought I should come by and give you something from Gary.
Sam: This is good. Watch this one.
Carla: Oh, the bowling trophy. Gary's prized possession.
Matt: Gary came back from seeing you yesterday, Sam, and all he could talk about was how concerned you were over his condition. He was pretty touched that after all this time of being rivals, when it counted most, you really cared about him.
Rebecca: That is so sweet and so sad.
Sam: Oh, come on! Give me a break! The guy is probably hanging out around here someplace. Hey, what're you up at Melville's, Gary? Come on down!
Matt: [chuckles] Wow, you are cold, man. I was gonna ask you for a job, but pfft! Forget it now.
Sam: Now, he's good. He is really good.

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