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Quote from Esther Clavin in Ma's Little Maggie

Esther Clavin: Shall I make a general announcement?
Margaret: Oh, well, shouldn't we wait for Cliff to get back from the restroom?
Esther Clavin: Oh, let's not hurry him. That's his alone time. [spoon rapping glass] Everybody, I have an announcement to make. This beautiful, young lady, Margaret Catherine O'Keefe, has agreed to become my daughter-in-law.
Cliff: Hey, what's going on?
Esther Clavin: Why, your wedding, Clifford.
Cliff: Uh, beg your pardon?
Margaret: Isn't this great?! I'm going to be the next Mrs. Clavin!
Esther Clavin: He has the same look he had when he took me to the prom.

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