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Quote from Carla in Madame LaCarla

Carla: Madame Lazora, l- l'm really not ready for Bob.
Madame Lazora: Oh, don't worry. I'll be here with you. There's just one more piece of information you need to fully understand your mission here.
Carla: Look, Madame Lazora, you don't understand. I have a terrible confession to make. Back in the bar, Princess Katya didn't really enter my body. I was just faking it so that I wouldn't disappoint you. I don't have any psychic powers. I am just an awful person. I hope you don't hate me.
Madame Lazora: Oh, Carla, I'm so proud of you for having the courage to be honest with me. Oddly enough, this relates to the information I was about to give you.
Carla: What's that?
Madame Lazora: I'm a complete fraud. Now, we just have time to work on your spooky voice.
Carla: What?!
Madame Lazora: Your spooky voice. You have to learn to speak lower, talk more from the diaphragm.

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