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Quote from Carla in Madame LaCarla

Madame Lazora: Are you telling me that Princess Katya and I are wrong?!
Carla: I'm telling you that I don't have any psychic powers. I mean, I tried!
Madame Lazora: Problem is, you have no faith, and without faith, you are not worthy to house the spirit of Princess Katya. I had such high hopes for you, but now you're nothing but an empty disappointment. Farewell forever, Carla!
Carla: [in deep voice] Lazora, halt! I am Princess Katya. I am inside Carla. [normal voice] Oh! What happened?
Madame Lazora: Carla, you had faith, and it happened!
Carla: It did?! I did it! I did it!
Madame Lazora: Yes! Yes! You're a natural! And more and more, you will be able to see the spirits of the dead are all around you! And very soon, you will see them lingering in the shadows of this very bar, just as I do.
Carla: Oh. That's just Lilith. Everyone makes that mistake.

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