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Quote from Carla in Honor Thy Mother

Sam: What's the matter, honey?
Carla: Oh, Sammy, Sammy. It's this stupid family tradition. Since the beginning of time, every woman in our family... [looks at Angeline] who has children... has named one of her sons with the first name of her father and the maiden name of her mother. And I just wouldn't do it.
Sam: I don't mean to take your mother's side here, but what's the big deal? It's just a name.
Carla: Oh, yeah, sure, just a name.
Sam: Why, uh, what was your father's first name?
Carla: Benito.
Sam: And your mother's maiden name?
Carla: Mussolini.
Sam: Yikes. Could I have some more sauce, please?

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