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Quote from Carla in Honor Thy Mother

Carla: I'll pass. So, Zia, how's Mom? Carla, what kind of question is that? She had the dream. [gestures]
Sam: So, she's really sick, huh?
Zia: No. She doesn't have to be sick. She had the dream. [gestures]
Sam: Oh right.
Zia: She'll be dead soon. Have you had lunch?
Sam: Uh, actually, yeah, I did.
Zia: Oh, then this is dinner.
Sam: Oh, hey, thanks, Zia.
Zia: Eat up, Sam. Our family believes in, life is for the living. [laughs] Soon enough, we'll all be dead, rotting in the ground, with a mouth full of worms.
Sam: Great linguine.

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