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Quote from Norm in Norm and Cliff's Excellent Adventure

Norm: Sammy, don't drop down on your knees to beg for forgiveness till he's all the way through the door but look who's here.
Sam: Hey! You brought Frasier back.
Norm: See, now, if we can just get them to erase everything from their memories from the last 36 hours, we're home free.
Frasier: I'm waiting, Sam.
Sam: Waiting for what?
Norm: Sammy, don't torture your friend. Frasier just swallowed his pride to come back in here, so get down on your knees and beg him to forgive you and then we can start celebrating.
Sam: I'm sorry.
Frasier: Oh, thanks, Sam.
Norm: That's what we like to see.

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