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Quote from Carla in Death Takes a Holiday On Ice

Father Barry: Now, as we reflect on the life of this bewildered young man...
Gloria LeBec: Eddie knew exactly what he was doing. Two years ago, he came to my town with the ice show.
Carla: And what town would that be? Desperate Hag, Iowa?
Gloria LeBec: Kenosha, Wisconsin. That's where the ice show rehearses.
Carla: All right, so he had a fling.
Gloria LeBec: It wasn't a fling. Pengie and I fell in love.
Carla: Lady, what are you looking to get out of this? Money? Well, forget it. What do you think they paid a washed-up hockey goalie who bounced around from team to team and league to league because he was never any good in the first place?
Cliff: These tributes are really something, aren't they?

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