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Quote from Rebecca in Golden Boyd

Rebecca: Sam, you're working a big party the 26th at Mr. Gaines'.
Sam: Another big party? How come you always get roped into running these things?
Rebecca: I'm not running this. I'm just delivering the message. Yes, I will be attending the party, but as an honored guest. An honored guest who happens to show up a couple of hours early and leave a couple hours late. And I will do as any other good guest will: help clean up, and maybe park a few cars.
Sam: So what's the shindig for this time?
Rebecca: Oh, it's one of those welcome-back-from-your-fabulous all-expense-paid-trip-to-Europe, you-sniveling-snot-brat of-a-vice-president's-daughter's tennis brunch.
Woody: Gee, I've never been to one of those.
Rebecca: Good. You're tending bar. There's the address. I'll see you at 10:00, Sunday morning.
Woody: She played right into my hands.

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