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Quote from Norm in Let Sleeping Drakes Lie

Butler: Stop! You can't go in there!
Norm: Up, sir! Up quick! Bees! Killer bees are coming this way from Mexico and they're hopping mad, sir!
Evan Drake: Bees?
Norm: Yeah, those suckers could swarm through here like a buzz saw. Sir, you don't have any honey in here, do you?
Evan Drake: Peterson, get out of here. And if you come back in here again, I'm going to have Greyson use his gun. Understood?
Butler: Yes, sir!
Norm: Hey, he was talking to me, okay, Greyson? Look, sir, let me just get your robe. I'm very concerned about these bees. [realizes the closet is empty] Well, never mind. They've gone. Yeah. There they go. They're headed up to Canada or someplace. [Norm yells as Rebecca grabs his leg from under the bed]
Evan Drake: What is it?
Norm: Bee sting. They're back, sir.

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