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Quote from Diane in Simon Says

Dr. Finch-Royce: Oh, I wondered what was keeping you. I was beginning to get worried.
Sam: Did we get you out of the shower?
Dr. Finch-Royce: No, no, no, no, the, uh, the soup was so hot it set off the sprinkler system.
Diane: Sam and I have been to the library and we've done extensive research. We're here to tell you that you are full of rubbish.
Dr. Finch-Royce: How thoughtful. Most people would only have phoned.
Diane: Now, if you'll just examine the parts that I have marked-
Dr. Finch-Royce: I think I've shown remarkable restraint so far, but I have had just about enough of this. Now, I've said that you're not compatible and you have done nothing to show me otherwise.
Diane: Look, I don't know what we're supposed to do or what we're supposed to say, but we're here, fighting for our lives together. Now doesn't that count for something?
Dr. Finch-Royce: No.

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