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Quote from Diane in Simon Says

Diane: This will only take a moment. You know, you're a very clever man. It wasn't until after you'd left that we realized you were merely testing our resolve. So we stand before you now as proof we are steadfast in our devotion to one another.
Dr. Finch-Royce: Well, that's very lovely, but it wasn't a test.
Diane: Oh, listen to him, Sam. It's yet another test.
Dr. Finch-Royce: I'm afraid I haven't made myself sufficiently clear. Um... You two are an accident waiting to marry.
Diane: Well, you couldn't be more wrong. If you only knew the enormous obstacles we've overcome, you would know that we are destined to die in each other's arms. Because, although we are very different people, our parts mesh together perfectly. We have achieved symbiosis.
Sam: Well, not every time, but it's close.

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