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Quote from Frasier in Money Dearest

Sam: Then she says to her girlfriend, "Maybe so, but this one's eating my popcorn." [laughter]
Frasier: Okay, okay, I guess it's time for me to take off the psychiatrist's cap and tell one of my own.
Sam: All right!
Frasier: All right, well, it seems there's these two men stranded on a deserted island. Doug and Dave. Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait. This is better with dialects. Uh... Okay, so an lrishman and a Dane are stranded on a- No, wait a second. l- l don't do Danish. Um Okay! An Irishman and a Swede.
Sam: All right.
Frasier: That's it. Patrick and Lars. So Lars turns to Patrick one day, and he goes, uh [Swedish accent] "How much water have you left?" [laughter] Oh, no, gee, wait a second. l- l think one of them's supposed to be a rabbi.

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