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Quote from Sam in King of the Hill

Sam: What's your problem?
Diane: Well, I'm trying to share something very painful. And you keep cutting me off.
Sam: I was talking about my dad.
Diane: Well, I was going to tell you about the time I stayed home from the prom.
Sam: You interrupted my dad's story for that?
Diane: Well, what more was there? He didn't like your toast.
Sam: Fine, fine. Tell me all about your little dance story. This doesn't have have anything to do with mice and glass slippers, does it?
Diane: I assure you the details of my prom story would make your dad story look like self-pitying tripe.
Sam: Okay, all right. Right now I'm going to admit that I'm a very competitive person. But you know something that just occurred to me? You know why our relationship never worked? Because you always had to have the last say. You always had to be on top and you're still doing it. You know, you are just as competitive as I am.
Diane: Me? [scoffs] I'm not competitive. I'm intense. And strong-willed. But I think that mindless games and contests are very destructive and diminish the human spirit.

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