Eric Quote #1
Quote from Eric in On the Fence
Eric: Eerie how she always knows, huh?
Cory: What, do all women have antennas hidden somewhere on their bodies?
Eric: I don't know. None of them will let me look.
Boy Meets World Quotes
‘On the Fence’ Quotes
Quote from Mr. Feeny
Cory: I think you'll like my paper. What a major freakoid that Ed Poe must have been.
Mr. Feeny: You have no idea how major a freakoid.
Quote from Alan
Alan: You had to have a house. Remember the apartment? Remember before the children? Before we were married? Before we knew each other? Remember how happy we were?
*Amy kicks Alan*
Alan: Remember when you know when I was kidding?
Quote from Mr. Feeny
Cory: I was thinking. Autumn's here and winter's just around the corner.
Mr. Feeny: That's typically the pattern.