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Chick Like Me

‘Chick Like Me’

Season 4, Episode 15 - Aired January 31, 1997

After the class reads Black Like Me, Cory and Shawn try to see things from a girl's point of view by dressing up like women.

Quote from Cory

Topanga: Why are you carrying his books?
Cory: We're trying to create the illusion that Shawn's a girl, so I thought this would help.
Topanga: You never carry my books.
Cory: Well, look at him.


Quote from Mr. Feeny

Mr. Feeny: Mr. Hunter, if there's anything you need to talk about, my door is always open. I'm not here to judge.
Shawn: It's for an article we're writing, Mr. Feeny.
Mr. Feeny: I am not here to judge.

Quote from Cory

Cory: How ya doin', honey?
Shawn: Cory?
Cory: I'm Cora. I'll be your waitress this evening.
Gary: You know, I come in here a lot, and I've never seen you before.
Cory: Quit hitting on me. I'm just kidding. It's my first night. Besides, it looks like you're already taken, cutie.
Shawn: You're insane.

Quote from Cory

Cory: May I take your order, baby?
Gary: My usual. A double chiliburger and one chocolate milk shake and two straws.
Shawn: I'll have the same and a steak.
Cory: Well, aren't you the voracious little eater.

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