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Quote from Michael in The Fallout

Michael: So it seems that I came home from somewhere. The point is that we're talking about you, not me.
Lucille: Well, maybe we should talk about you. You were there. You owed her money! You borrowed it, didn't you, Michael?
Michael: Yes, I did borrow money, because I care about the family, which I thought-
Lucille: Oh, stay on topic. You bounce like a beach ball.
Michael: I'm answering the question. I'm saying, soemtimes when you care about a family or a business, you do things people might not understand.
Lucille: Michael! Michael!
Michael: And... And sometimes you do bad things that you don't remember or I don't want to remember.
George Sr.: Objection.
Lucille: Michael's out of control. You're out of control.
Michael: So maybe I was out of control that night, but at least I can admit it.
Lucille: Admit what? You're talking like you killed Lucille Austero!
Michael: You're goddamn right I did!
Narrator: And that's how Michael A Few Good Men-ed himself.

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