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Quote from Michael in Check Mates

Michael: It's great. Did this by himself. All that burden on your shoulders. No one to help you. A little baby Atlas.
George Michael: Oh, is that how you see me?
Michael: Hmm? Oh, doesn't matter. Hey, I got an announcement to make myself, okay? Since I found some extra money, I decided to expand. And what is the company motto? Find a little extra money, put it in a Bluth. I bought Fakeblock.
George Michael: What?
Maeby: No, um... No, this company, uh, B.S. Enterprises, bought Fakeblock.
Michael: I'm B.S. Enterprises. It- It was "Banana Stand," but it's also got a second meaning.
George Michael: Bullshit.
Michael: Bluth and Son.

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