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Quote from Gob in Emotional Baggage

Gob: [laughs] Did you catch this? Man, that's priceless. First, you eat it with Buster, then you step in it with the movie, and now you're eating what you stepped in, because Kitty hates you. Guess Michael's the geo-bead today.
Michael: Did you say "geo-bead"?
Gob: Yeah, it's one of Dad's expressions- You know, when somebody screws up, that Dad always said it. One of his "you'll figure it out someday" expressions. You're lucky, 'cause Kitty's sweet on me, so I'll go with you.
Michael: No, thank you. Nope.
Tobias: I could go. Or just- Would that be helpful if I did? Or am I just being a G-O-B?
Gob: [chuckles] Uh... [scoffs] G-O-B spells "Gob," you geo-bead, so why don't you s... ah. Well, today's the day.

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