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Quote from Michael in Prison Break-In

Michael: Yeah, well, in any event, I'm here, Mom, because you need me. As you know, the Bluth Foundation dinner is a week away. I am your cochair, and we don't want to relive the "TBA" debacle.
Narrator: Years earlier, the Bluths had a hard time agreeing on a cause for their foundation's first fund-raiser.
George Sr.: "Herpes." "Shrinkage." Somebody saw Seinfeld last night. "Neck flap." "Ovarian cancer." Gee, I wonder who that was. One more for neck flap.
Buster: Yes.
Lindsay: Well, I'll be honest, I haven't heard anything that beats herpes.
Narrator: So they sent out invitations with the disease still to be announced. And, much to their surprise, the Bluths ended up raising over $25,000 to fight "TBA." And then - and here's the really horrible part - they did it again the following year.
Gob: Keep fighting, little guy. With your support of the Bluth Foundation, we'll live in a galaxy where "TBA" does not exist.

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