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Quote from Michael in Sad Sack

Michael: How'd that math test work out?
George Michael: Oh, it was okay, I guess. But- I don't know. It was weird. I studied with Ann but I still got a B-minus.
Michael: Ann got you a B-minus?
George Michael: Well, it wasn't Ann. She's an expert in math. Isn't that cute?
Michael: Is it?
Narrator: Michael felt his son was setting the bar too low with his dating standards.
George Michael: No, it wasn't Ann's fault. I think I just ended up thinkin' about the questions too long. And so, by the time I put an answer down, I went with, like my fifth choice or somethin' like that.
Michael: George Michael, never settle for fifth choice. Something better is gonna come along. She just has to.

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