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Quote from Gob in iAmigos!

Michael: Mr. President, I'm gonna go look into some LEGOLAND tickets for the weekend.
Gob: Cool. Let's do it.
Michael: Actually, I just meant me and my son.
Gob: Isn't he a little old for that?
Michael: No. Sorry. I've been looking to get some alone time with him, and it just hasn't seemed to work out lately.
Gob: No problem. I'll just call up some of my friends. [Michael chuckles] What?
Michael: What friends?
Gob: I've got friends, Michael. I just don't talk to them because I work all the time.
[moments later, Gob steps into Michael's office in the crowded storage closet:]
Gob: I think the plant lady's wearing a thong.

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