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Quote from George Michael in It Gets Better

Narrator: And while checking his messages, he got some good news.
Michael: [on voice mail] Hey, buddy, it's Dad. I am having real trouble getting up there. This traffic is unbelievable. We got a light aircraft right in the middle of the freeway. Call me back when you get this?
Narrator: But while Michael was leaving a second message, George Michael left one for him.
Michael: Hey, hang on. This is you.
George Michael: [on the phone] Hey, it's me. You know what? I bet we're sitting in the exact same traffic, this is a mess.
Narrator: Now hoping to ensure that his father didn't make it to their meeting.
George Michael: Oh, God, they're forcing us off... but you know, we can just do this another time if that works. Maybe that's better. They're closing the lanes. This is beautiful.
Michael: Same traffic. Unreal. Unreal. Kind of looking around for you now. Unreal. Kind of looking around for you now. Maybe you're right near me. Anyhow, if you get this, maybe we will just meet somewhere else. Gonna hang up now. I'm going to video this and send it in to the news.
George Michael: Glad you're getting some footage of this, 'cause I can't really get a good angle myself. They're forcing us off here like a bunch of animals. You know, maybe we'll do this another time, 'cause this is it's sad to say, but it's like animals. You know maybe we'll do this another time. It's sad to say, but it's left me pretty shaken up. God, I just hope there are no kids on that plane. 'Cause, you know, they don't have any choice in the matter.
Michael: Well, I'll tell you what. I feel worse for the parents, okay? Probably the kids thought that they could fly the plane all by themselves. Bet you 500 bucks they find a dead kid behind the stick. You know, or maybe on the dead dad's lap whose only fault was loving that kid too much and letting him fly the plane. Next thing he knows, he's bouncing off the top of the Sports Chalet onto the express lane of the 605. I'll bet you 500 bucks.

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