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Quote from Lucille in Queen B.

Gob: [on the phone] Dad made him give me a job.
Lucille: I see, so he thought it was a good idea to have you two together. Isn't that nice? My God, is there anyone there with half a brain that can help me with this?
Gob: I don't know about half a brain, but Tobias is living with me right now and he's not very bright. Although he is working in the rehab where Lucille 2 is.
Lucille: He is?
Narrator: And that's when Lucille came up with a plan to get transferred away from the Jade Dragon Triad.
Lucille: Hire a crew and start the wall. And not a word to your brother. I'm getting a transfer. It's time for Mama to put on the old drunk act.

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