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Quote from Lucille in In God We Trust

Lindsay: Wow. What a party. You make it seem so effortless.
Lucille: What do you need money for? A divorce?
Lindsay: No, Mom. Tobias and I are doing fine, thank you. It's my credit card debt.
Lucille: Forget it.
Lindsay: Fine. I'll ask Michael. He'll give it to me.
Lucille: Maybe if you get him drunk. It's the only way he'll give money to someone he calls a "stay-in-bed mom."
Lindsay: He said that about me?
Lucille: I thought it was harsh. But, you know, he thinks you're completely irresponsible. A stay-in-bed mom. Probably because you don't work, and you're lazy. Oh, his words.
Lindsay: I can't believe him.
Lucille: I know! just when you were getting along so well.

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