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Quote from George Michael in iAmigos!

George Michael: So, what do you think of Ann so far?
Michael: Oh, Ann? I just- You know, I barely know her. You know? Neither of us do. She's just really some girl as far as we're concerned. Right? I-l-I'm determined to get to know her.
George Michael: Yeah.
Michael: Okay?
George Michael: Okay. I have an idea. When we go back why don't just the two of you go back in the stair car together?
Michael: Well, that's no fun. For you. You know, you guys should be together.
George Michael: Oh.
Michael: Or maybe just you and me, if you'd rather.
George Michael: Yeah.
Michael: Or me and Ann.
George Michael: Great! Yes. Okay. I'll tell Maeby that I'll be going back with her and Aunt Lindsay.

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