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Quote from Michael in Justice is Blind

Michael: Let's just assume that it will happen again at some time.
Maggie Lizer: Right. Right.
Michael: We just need to, you know, acknowledge this and keep it private, and I don't think that there's anything wrong with that.
Maggie Lizer: Right. I have a job, you know? I'm trying to keep a man in prison.
Michael: Right. And that man happens to be my father. This could get ugly.
Maggie Lizer: Well, it's like the Ten Commandments saying. "Be true to thine own self, and to thine own self..."
Michael: "Be true." Yeah. Number seven.
Maggie Lizer: We'll just have to keep it a secret.
Michael: Our secret.
Maggie Lizer: Our dirty little secret.
Michael: I think I'm ready now.

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