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Quote from Jacob in Mom

Jacob: [sing-song] Shanae... [normally] How is this Earth Day treating you?
Shanae: Do I look like I have time to talk right now?
Jacob: Talk right now? Talk, talk right now?
Both: ♪ Talk right now, talk, talk right now ♪ ♪ Talk right now, talk, talk right now ♪
Shanae: [laughs] Where have you been? I barely saw your cute self last week.
Jacob: Ugh, I know, PSSA prep has got me busier than Philips.
Shanae: Now, I told you about them Caucasian references.
Jacob: [laughs] You did. You did. Hey, how was the move? Are you loving the new place?
Shanae: We're still in boxes. I haven't gotten my bed yet. But I got Xfinity set up, and it is definitely an upgrade.
Jacob: Well, if you still need furniture recs, it would be my pleasure to assist your lounging.
Shanae: Absolutely. And thank you very much.

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