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Quote from Mr. Johnson in Educator of the Year

Barbara: All right. Let's see who's teaching this. [keys clack] Okay.
Mr. Johnson: [on computer] Hello, everyone. I'm your teacher, Dr. Johnson. Welcome to Intergenerational Active Listening, also known as iGal. Okurr? The active listening class that hits different, no cap. I'll be your teacher, but not your friend. And I'm low-key deadass. You don't like it, then hop off, bro. Feel free to chime in if someone hasn't understood the assignment. Ya feel me, stupid?
Barbara: Stupid?
Mr. Johnson: Did I say that right? [Ashley pulls the camera towards her]
Barbara: Oh, Lord.
Ashley: Deadass.
Barbara: Dea-? [Barbara grunts as she shuts her laptop]

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