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Quote from Jacob in Story Samurai

Ava: Anyway, here's a reminder that some goofy group is coming through to do camp songs or something, so check the schedule to see when your class is up.
Jacob: Holy Shakespeare! [gasps] [imitating sword slicing]
Ava: Jacob, we can't afford for you to have a seizure during school hours. [laughs]
Jacob: [chuckles] Guys! These are the Story Samurai, okay? They're a storytelling group that goes all up and down the East Coast improvising plays based on the kids' ideas. [chuckles] I used to be in it.
Barbara: Of course you were, sweetheart.
[aside to camera:]
Jacob: The Story Samurai are like a book come to life, okay? But the pages are the performance and the illustrations are, like, the lyrics. We help the kids see that everyone is a story, okay? Look, I don't condone violence, but it slaps.

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