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Quote from Janine in Zoo Balloon

Janine: Kenny, it was very scary when you ran away. Everyone was worried about you. And we need to get off this balloon. [sighs] Look, second grade is gonna be incredible. You're gonna love it just as much as first grade... Maybe even more. And sometimes, the best things you can ever do are... the scary things. And they help you grow.
Guide: You can see William Penn really well from up here.
Janine: And you're gonna have a pretty cool teacher to help you every step of the way. [sighs] So we're gonna do this together, you know? We're going to love it, even if it scares us.
Kenny: So now do you love being on this balloon?
Janine: No, I'm still very scared. But I'm gonna try to be brave and stand up. Okay.
Kenny: Let's look over the side!
Janine: Oh, da da da! Not that brave yet.
Kenny: Ms. Teagues?
Janine: Huh?
Kenny: You're squeezing me.

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